
Friday, September 3, 2010

Curriculum Changes

Some days are good, some days are bad. I'm sure most of it is related to my inability to get completely organized. I'm trying. One thing that is bad and has stayed bad is my choice in Language Arts curriculum for Cade-He hates it and at this point I'm not that crazy about it either.

We were using Switched on Schoolhouse (SOS) Language Arts. It's computer based and I thought it might be really good for Cade.
So after another battle yesterday, I threw in the white towel. I sat Cade down and talked about what he would like so I started researching. We went to the Christian Bookstore and sat down with several curriculums. He wanted a separate Spelling curriculum - SOS combined it all. So we decided on A Reason for Spelling.

We also use A Reason for Handwriting and Cade seemed very excited about this Spelling curriculum.
We also decided on "Easy Grammar" for his Language Arts. I had never researched this curriculum so we'll see..... But Cade was excited about this one so it's worth trying.

This is the teacher edition and there is also a student workbook.

So that's what's going on in Homeschool this week. Our schedule is working better. Next week we will get up even earlier so I can work with Cade on Language Arts while it's still quiet. Our School has a 4-day weekend starting today. Cade was very excited about was his Mom!

Have a great weekend!

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